
about us

As a permaculture designer, I am passionate about creating sustainable and regenerative landscapes that work in harmony with nature. My approach is based on the principles of permaculture, which emphasize the importance of observing and understanding natural ecosystems, and using that knowledge to design human systems that are resilient, diverse, and self-sustaining.

One of the key elements of my work is working with the nature rather than against it. I also prioritize the use of organic and regenerative farming practices that build soil health and support biodiversity.

Another important part of my work is education, sharing my knowledge and skills, and collaborating with others in my field.
I hope to help create a more just and sustainable world for all.

In all of my work, I strive to approach each project with a spirit of creativity, curiosity, and collaboration. I believe that by working together with nature and each other, we can create a world that is more abundant, resilient, and beautiful than we ever thought possible.

Our Mission

Our mission is to regenerate the planet, promote food security, healthy organic food, and heal ecosystems through sustainable design.
We offer a range of services to help you implement permaculture principles on your land. Our goal is to make permaculture accessible to as many people as possible by creating designs that can be easily implemented in your home or community.
Let’s work together to create a healthier, more resilient planet for us and future generations!

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief
that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan