organic garden, permaculture garden vegetables, flowers, cucumbers, marigold

20 The Most Common Mistakes Beginners Make In Permaculture Garden

Why should you make a permaculture garden at all? If you’re someone who’s passionate about sustainability and self-sufficiency, creating a permaculture garden is an incredibly rewarding way to contribute to a healthier planet while reaping the benefits of a thriving ecosystem right in your own backyard. Permaculture gardening is all about designing a sustainable and …

rooftop gardens, urban permaculture, urban gardens, city garden

Urban Permaculture – Examples of the Best Successful Projects

Urban permaculture Permaculture, derived from “permanent agriculture,” is a design system that aims to create sustainable and self-sufficient ecosystems modeled after natural patterns. Urban permaculture includes activities like rooftop, balcony or small yard gardening, community gardening, rainwater harvesting, composting, and the cultivation of edible landscapes. It seeks to enhancing food security, biodiversity, community resilience and …

sheet mulching with cardboard and straw

Unveiling the Truth: Is No-Dig Gardening Really Effortless?

Are you tired of the endless toil and backaches that come with maintaining a thriving garden? No-dig gardening is a technique that involves creating a garden bed without tilling or digging the soil. It has become a popular method among gardeners, promising great results with less effort. But is it really true? In this blog …

UK waters

Why Are UK Waters So Contaminated, and What Can We Do to Fix It?

England is now one of the worst places in Europe when it comes to water quality, with just 14 per cent of rivers in “good” ecological condition.  Water contamination is a pressing issue that affects both the environment and human health. In the United Kingdom, this problem has become a growing concern, with various pollutants and …

grow organic vegetables full of nutrients be healthy

The Science of Growing Nutrient Dense Vegetables

Do you eat plenty of vegetables but still feel like your diet is lacking something? It’s not just you – it’s a sad reality that many of our vegetables are lacking in nutrients due to modern farming practices. In the span of 60 years, fruits and vegetables have lost an average of 16% of their …

How Permaculture Can Heal Your Garden and Our Planet – Practical Examples for Everyday Life.

Feeling helpless in the face of climate change? Do you want to take action but don’t know where to start? Look no further than permaculture, the philosophy that can turn your garden into a healing force for the planet. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical examples of how permaculture can be applied to your …